This family, The House of Cheney, is one of the most corrupt and reprehensible in American politics … and that is really saying something these days!
Little Dick Cheney has the gall to claim that Trump is the biggest threat to America after he dragged us into 2 endless wars that cost thousands of American and over a million innocent Iraqi and Afghani lives .. never mind the TRILLIONS of dollars that end up in the pockets of his military contracting pals.
Dick really is lost if he thinks anyone in this country is going to get behind his daughter …
The Gateway Pundit reported:
The rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Dick Cheney stepped out from behind the curtain on Thursday to cut a campaign ad for his baby girl Liz Cheney.
Dick Cheney is famous for lying to the American public about WMDs in Iraq and Iraqi connections to 9-11 which led to the Iraq War. This destructive debacle killed thousands of American soldiers, injured thousands more, and killed tens of thousands of Iraqis.
The war also cost the US treasury trillions of dollars.
But Dick Cheney’s pals in the military-industrial complex did quite well.
On Thursday Dick Cheney released a campaign ad for his little girl. Now we know where Liz gets her gift of lying.
Dick Cheney: “In our nation’s 246 year history there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our Republic than Donald Trump.”
Cheney goes on to say how proud he is of baby girl Liz.
The Wyoming primary cannot come soon enough.
“In our nation’s 246 year history there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our Republic than Donald Trump.” Dick Cheney pic.twitter.com/erBPBNy8ah
— Liz Cheney (@Liz_Cheney) August 4, 2022
This is the most absurd speech I have ever seen … talk about PROJECTION. This bastard has done everything he accuses Trump of. This video is straight-out of the Clinton-Bush crime syndicate’s playbook. It’s just plain disgusting.