I’m sorry but the gaslighting is no longer working MSM.
Anyone with a working eye can see that Joe Biden’s brain is not what it used to be … and those of us who have seen Biden over the last 4 decades making speeches know that, even when he was ‘firing on all cylinders’ his brain power left a lot to be desired.
We make jokes, but this is no laughing matter. This man is supposed to be the face of the strongest nation on Earth? What do you think China is saying behind the scenes? They are laughing all the way to global domination.
I defy you to watch this video and tell me that this man is all there … just try it …
The Gateway Pundit reported:
They mock us.
Democrats ran a dementia patient in 2020 and told us he won 81 million votes.
Democrats could run a mule in 2024 and tell us she won 94 million votes.
As long as Democrats can cheat they can run any decrepit creature alive today – even Nancy Pelosi.
And they know it.
Democrats laugh as they rub their power in your face as they continue to destroy America.
But don’t say anything – or the FBI will come knocking.
Watch Joe Biden in slow motion from Tuesday and ask yourself if this man is all there…