Wants Minors to Have Sex Change Operations? // (John Hinderaker)
It’s not difficult to understand the policy positions of liberals. Liberals want power and money, and it is easy to see how their policies can give them more power and money. The current “trans” mania is an exception. Why has liberals become obsessed with a topic or a fad that was not even known a few years ago, and why are they so crazy about it? A segment of the population that barely exists. I can’t explain it.
Doctors and hospitals across the country are performing sexchange operations on minors. Vanderbilt was performing these operations until a video of a staffer describing how lucrative they are emerged. However, sexchange operations on minors are still going on. One example is the University of Minnesota, which performs such operations, but it is not in the limelight.
Are most people comfortable with minor sex operations? It seems impossible. They would be impossible to do.
This survey from Trafalgar, one of our most reliable pollsters in recent cycles shows the opposite: the overwhelming majority of people don’t agree with liberals’ bizarre ideology.
Are you adamant that underage minors should wait until they are adult to be able to use permanent sex change and puberty blockers?
The Trafalgar survey shows that Democrats oppose puberty blockers, sex change operations on children by a narrow 53% to 47% margin, while independents and Republicans oppose such procedures by 85% to 15% and 97% to 3%, respectively. Although I believe there must be a reason the Democratic Party chose sexchange operations on minors to be a hill to die upon, I don’t know what it might be.