Hours after his Tuesday afternoon appearance on Fox News Channel’s America Reports, MRC Founder & President Bozell returned to Fox’s airwaves on Fox Business Network’s The Evening Edit followed by Fox News @ Night with Trace Gallagher. Bozell blasted Google’s “monopoly [on] Information” and its censorship of Republican candidates, as well as the liberal media’s downplaying the southern border crisis.
Bozell informed Evening Edit fill in host David Asman that a report from MRC Free Speech America on Google censorship of GOP Campaigns was released just days after the Republican National Committee sued Google for allegedly sending “their [fundraising] appeal letters” as well as “policy e mail” “to spam.”
Bozell pointed out that Google has not been “doing this with the Democrats”.
Bozell explained that Google controls 92.4 percent search engines worldwide and that Democrats were more exposed to search results than Republicans in ten of the most competitive races.
“So, if your search is about races, you should look at the Democrats and not the Republicans. Google placed the Republicans on page two in seven of the twelve cases.
He explained that people rarely get past page one in search results. This is a problem that is often overlooked. If someone searches for you, it’s impossible to be found.
Just after midnight Eastern Wednesday, Bozell shared these findings with Gallagher (click “expand”)
Let’s take a look at the importance. Google controls 92.4 per cent of all global searches. It is almost a monopoly. It claims to be an objective platform and it does so in an objective manner. In 10 of the 12 cases it gave preferential treatment for the Democrats or Republicans. And here’s the kicker Trace, the statistics will show you that less than 1% of the public visits more than the first page of a Google Search. Seven of the 12 Republicans were placed on page 2, where they receive less than 1% of the public’s interest.
They’ve been buried and they’re being squished. Google is now in trouble twice with Republicans. After the Republicans discovered that they had taken their e-mails, put their fundraising emails in spam, and then sued them on Friday. Google is really affecting the elections in a serious way. It’s also illegal, I believe.
Gallagher switched gears to the south border and called up our study that showed the “big three” networks evening newscasts on ABC and CBS continued to attack Republicans as well as GOP governors despite having the southern border crisis at fever pitch and Democrats in control of all levels the federal government.
Gallagher called it “just astounding” that networks paid 6,000 times more attention Governor Ron DeSantis’s (R.FL) flight of illegal aliens from Florida to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts than the monthly border crossings at record highs.
Bozell elaborated on this, saying that “2.37 million illegal immigrants crossed the last year” and that that yielded “143 minutes total coverage from networks, but when 50 are sent Martha’s Vineyard, 19 minute is — is, devoted to that” (and hence, the 6,000-times disparity).
“Insofar as coverage of people is concern, 26 negative attacks against DeSantis in Texas for their actions. Total negative statements about Biden over the past year with — 2.37 million illegal immigrants crossing. He added two negative statements.
Gallagher praised the MRC finding as an “amazing statistic” and evidence that President Biden, Vice President/border czar Kamala Harris were not entirely to blame.
Bozell concluded by saying that the border situation was “a calamity of a measurement” and “God Bless” Fox News for “covering” it as the illegal strain has “wreaked devastation because they have no place to put them once they cross the border.”
Click “expand” to view the relevant Fox transcripts for October 25-26, 2005.
FBN’s Evening Edit
October 25, 2022
6:45 p.m. Eastern
DAVID ASMAN : Some elections are influenced if the media highlights or ignores key facts and issues that could influence voters. 2020 was a prime example of this. What they deleted or censored was not what they did for other elections. Voters seem to ignore the opinions of media trendsetters and make their own decisions. One of those was Ronald Reagan’s election. The so-called tea party emerged in the 2010 midterm elections, countering the bias of the liberal media. The question is, will this year’s midterms be the same? Let’s welcome Jason Chaffetz, Fox News contributor, and Brent Bozell, Media Research Center founder-president. It’s great to see you. Jason, I want to first talk about the issue of whether this election will be one where the public says, “Nah, we don’t buy it.” We don’t believe that inflation is a problem, crime is not an issue, and that the border is not a concern. We will go with those who promise to fix it. What do you think?
JASON CHAFFETZ (Yes, I think people tends to believe their own — when they go to gas pumps, when they walk down the streets, it’s not safe. When they see all the issues with immigration, all of these issues, they sit there and say, You know, immigration is not an issue. He says the border is secure, and that crime will be just fine. This is what people know. They don’t listen to the media. They know they are being lied to by the White House. That’s why I believe there will be a — this will be a wave election.
ASMAN: Brent, on the other side, I don’t believe that social media companies made a terrible error in 2020 by censoring Hunter Biden’s story. I don’t buy their confession or the fact they’re making it easy. You have evidence that Google has already begun another campaign to get their people into Congress.
BRENT BOZELL: We should recall that the RNC recently discovered that Google was sending its fund appeal letters to spam. This is not the case with the Democrats. They now believe the same thing is happening with their policy email. This is why the RNC sued Google Friday. We discovered another way to measure hostility towards Republicans. Google controls 92.4 per cent of search engines worldwide. They have a virtual monopoly. We examine the top 12 contested elections this year. In 10 of the 12 contested campaigns, Google gave Democrats more exposure than Republicans. If you’re interested in races, you should look at the Democrats and not the Republicans. In seven of the twelve cases, Google placed the Republicans on page two. What does this mean? What does that mean? Less than 1% of people view page two when they search for something. In seven of the twelve cases, if you are a Republican, it means you are a non-entity in Google’s eyes. If someone searches for you, it is likely that you don’t exist.
ASMAN: Unbelievable. Jason, let’s go back to legacy media. So politicians believe that even though they may not share the same views as legacy media, they should still be on the shows. It is important to increase the reach and et cetera. Ted Cruz said it. For those who missed it, here is what happened to Ted Cruz on The View. Roll tape.
ASMAN: Jason, is it worth the effort? He said that Ted Cruz wanted to expand the reach. It was a good thing for him. You can see how he was treated. What do you think?
CHAFFETZ: Well, I think I have a slightly different view than most people. I give credit to The View for inviting me on and I also applaud Ted Cruz for answering the questions. Ted Cruz is correct. He is able to speak to several million people. He can surpass the hosts. It exposes radical climate activists. If they think they are changing people’s minds by doing the same thing they did, or throwing paint on a Monet, or any other high-priced art, they are not helping their cause at all.
ASMAN: Guys we are running out of time. I wish we had more. It was great to see you both. You’re — you’re excellent folks. I appreciate you being here. Jason, Brent, it’s great to see you. We are grateful for your presence.
BOZELL, David, thank you.
FNC’s Fox News @ Night with Trace Gallagher
October 26, 2022
12:19 Eastern [TEASE]
TRACE GALLAGHER – Now, here’s the question: Does Google manipulate search engine results against Republicans. Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center, says they are.
Eastern, 12:27 a.m.
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE] Weighted Search; Google Manipulates Results Against GOP Candidate
TRACE GALLAGHER – New research has shown that Google manipulates search results to favor Democratic candidates in the Senate over their Republican counterparts. Let’s call Brent Bozell, founder of Media Research Center. Brent, it’s always a pleasure to see you. So, you went to Real Clear Politics and selected the 12 most hot Senate races. Then you did some research and found that 10 of the Republican candidates are being buried in Google’s search engines. Fair assessment?
BRENT BOZELL : Let’s take a look at the importance of this. Google controls 92.4 per cent of all global searches. It is almost a monopoly. It claims to be an objective platform and it does so in an objective manner. In 10 of the 12 cases it gave preferential treatment for the Democrats or Republicans. And here’s the kicker Trace, the statistics will show you that less than 1% of the public visits more than the first page of a Google Search. Seven of the 12 Republicans were placed on page 2, where they receive less than 1% of the public’s interest. They’ve been buried and they’re being squished in search information systems. Google is now in trouble twice with Republicans. After the Republicans discovered that they had taken their e-mails, put their fundraising emails in spam, and then sued them on Friday. Google is really affecting the elections in a serious way. It’s also illegal, I believe.
GALLAGHER: Yeah. That was the North Carolina study, by the way. It showed that 59% of the e mails Google was using, it was right there, you can see, were being buried, and were likely to be marked spam versus Democrats. This is quite shocking. Brent, I want to move on as quickly as possible because ABC, CBS and NBC, T.V. The Martha’s Vineyard migrants are generally treated in news coverage 6,000 times. This is the number that you gave us. It is 6,000 times more important than the southern border encounters, which is quite staggering.
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE] Border Coverage; MRC Media Focused On Migrant Flights Rather Than Encounters
BOZELL: It’s — it’s true. 2.37 Illegal — 2.37 Million illegal immigrants crossed the border in the last year.
BOZELL: 143 minutes of total coverage from the networks. When 50 people are sent to Martha’s Vineyard it takes 19 minutes to cover the story. This is 6,000 times more than the 2.37 million people who cross the border. Here’s something interesting for you. 26 negative comments were made in Texas against DeSantis, Abbott and others for their actions. Total negative statements about Biden over the last year with — with 2.37 Million illegal immigrants crossing?
BOZELL: Two negative statements.
GALLAGHER : This is an incredible statistic. You mentioned, you know, who is to blame for the border? Are you blaming President Obama? No. Are you blaming Kamala Harris for the border? No. Who are you blaming for this? We blame the governors. 26 governors, networks blame, and –and Biden administration, President, zero. Brent, I should clarify that the President has never been to the — to border.
BOZELL: It’s a calamity. By any measure, the border is a disaster. It is a calamity by any measure. God bless you all for doing this. It’s a true news story. It’s a tragedy that 2.37 million illegal immigrants cross the Mexican border to enter the country. They cause havoc because there is no place to place them once they get here. You can just take 50 of them and take them to Martha’s Vineyard to these liberal elites who claimed they were a sanctuary town. They were welcomed with open arms and hope. Oh my goodness, there was a meltdown.
GALLAGHER : Yes, there was a crisis. You know what? They quickly moved those people to the mainland. Right? You know what? There was no coverage of the migrants that the Biden administration flew all over the country for 18 months. Brent Bozell, it’s always a pleasure to see you, sir. We are grateful.
BOZELL: Thank You.