Eight young social media influencers were invited by President Joe Biden and his associates, aka his Administration, to promote the COVID-19 vaccination and urge young voters to vote for Democrats. All the influencers shared photos, videos, and shares on social media to praise President Joe Biden and the left in general.
Together, the stars have more than 67,000,000 followers on their TikTok platforms. Their primary audience is young people, which is why Biden used them as a way to influence young voters.
The Democratic National Committee allegedly coordinated the event and paid for the young star’s travel. The Washington Post noted that this was “the most visible effort to date by Democrats trying to leverage TikTok’s vast audience to influence midterm elections.”
I delved into the social media accounts of each guest and found that the overwhelming theme was unfaltering praise and approval for Biden and his staff.
They posted photos on Instagram and TikTok videos, including a selfie of Biden, a candid shot with Dr. Vivek Muthy, a selfie of them “creating content”, and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s comforting handshake.
Here are some of their more cringeworthy posts.
Link in my bi0 and see if your registration is valid. Make a plan to vote within 13 days.
Original sound – Kat Wellington
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Jennifer Lincoln, MD (@drjenniferlincoln), shared this post.
Biden’s administration is making use of the media influence of these young stars in order to appeal to young people. They are making it “trendy” for them to get a vaccine or vote in a certain way.
Look at the image that shows how the influencers came up with the idea of “showing young people that all cool kids get vaccinated.”
This is just propaganda and a sick way to influence the vote of young people.
Image source: Instagram, @underthedesknews