For a while now, the media has been telling us that because of immigration, blue states were set to gain even more seats in the House starting in 2022.
But a recent report from the Census Bureau shows blue states losing seats.
This includes California which is losing a seat for the first time in history.
Florida will pick up two seats and Texas adds three.
If immigration continues at the current rate, it will not aid the Democrats until at least the 2032 election.
High taxes and an even higher cost of living are driving people out of the blue states and they are moving to states with lower taxes or as in the case of Florida and Texas, no state income tax at all.
And the cost of housing in the high tax states is almost unbearable.
States that voted for Hillary are projected to gain two seats and states that went for Trump will pick up eight.
This of course will also change the electoral college in favor of the Republicans.
If they had allowed the citizenship question on the census, the numbers for the Democrats would be much worse.
Leading blue states like California are predicted to lose a congressional seat, along with blue states like Illinois, Minnesota, New York, and Rhode Island.
Still, some Trump-supporting states — Alabama, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia — are expected to also lose a congressional seat.
The Census analysis is a break from years of research which projected the nation’s illegal and legal immigration system, where about 1.5 million foreign nationals are admitted every year, has been helping not only deliver voters to Democrat politicians, but also provide residents to blue states to increase political dominance in Congress.
Most recently, the Center for Immigration Studies projected that new Census numbers would shift about 26 congressional seats from mostly blue states to red states in 2020.