If a Canadian startup succeeds with its product, the entire desalination sector could be decarbonized, using only the energy from the ocean to turn seawater in drinking water. A global industry of 21,000 plants desalinates seawater to provide drinking water for 300 million people. Nearly all of these plants use fossil fuels in the process […]
The post Wave-Powered Desalination System Creates 13,000 Gallons Drinking Water a day From Each Buoy first appeared on Good News Network.
A new American startup that uses only marine energy to transform seawater into drinking water could decarbonize the entire desalination industry if it is powerful with its product. A international industry of 21, 000 desalination plants, almost all of which use fossil fuels to complete the energy-intensive process, provides seawater to 300 million people.
The first article to appear on Good News Network was” Wave-Powered Desalination System Produces 13, 000 Gallons of Drinking Water a Day From Each Buoy.”