This article was first published by Real Clear WireBy Adam Andrzejewski.
Real Clear WireTopline: According to Fox News, the National Institutes of Health is paying$ 214, 000 for three researchers to develop a” transgender voice training” app. Important facts: The study aims to address “voice dysphoria,” which is alleged to lower quality of life when a person’s voice does not match their gender identity. To help change the pitch and resonance of their voices to sound more romantic, researchers will coach 40 trans women. The participants will have a meeting with a speech-language pathologist after per week. To compare the results, half of them will use a basic voice training software and the other half will use an app specifically designed for transgender people. If the tests are powerful, the software will be made available for free to the general public. According to the College Fix, the researchers, a professor from the University of Cincinnati and two speech scientists from New York University, have each now received funding from the government for conducting similar voice dysphoria studies. Background: The study concentrates on “gender-affirming voice and communication training,” a service that is already being used to pay off the tax payers. In 2022, 13 states ‘ Medicaid provided the training, with 18 more having no clear policy on the coverage. The National Institute on Deafness and Another Communication Disorders, a division of the National Institutes of Health, is the recipient of the grant for the 2024 research project. According to auditors at OpenTheBooks .com, the NIH is a part of the Department of Health and Human Services, which sent paychecks to almost 90,000 people in 2022. 2, 646 of the company’s employees made more than$ 214, 000, which is the grant money for the voice training app. Supporting quote:” Some trans people can be severely impacted if their voice is perceived as incongruent with their gender identity, and they may choose to work with a speech pathologist to achieve a vociferous presentation that is comfortable for them,” said Tara McAllister, one of the three study leaders. The end software, which is supposed to be available to deaf people and other communication disorders, provides additional funding for three researchers to study gender-affirming voice therapy, which is from an organization that is supposed to focus on deafness and other communication disorders. The forensic auditors at OpenTheBooks .com have provided the# WasteOfTheDay for your viewing pleasure. This article was originally published by RealClearInvestigations and made accessible via RealClearWire. [[{“value”:”
This story was originally published by Real Clear Wire by Adam AndrzejewskiReal Clear Wire: According to Fox News, the National Institutes of Health has paid $214,000 to three researchers to develop an app for “transgender voice-training”. The study is aimed at addressing “voice dysphoria,” a condition that researchers say lowers a person’s quality of life if their voice does not match gender identity. Researchers will coach forty trans women on how to change the pitch and tone of their voice so that it sounds more feminine. Participants will meet with a speech-language therapist once a week. The results will be compared between the two groups. Half will use a generic software for voice training and the other half will use an app designed specifically for transgender individuals. If the tests are successful, then the software will be made available to the public free of charge. According to The College Fix, the researchers – a professor at the University of Cincinnati and 2 speech scientists from New York University – have already received taxpayer funds for similar voice dysphoria research. Background: The study is focused on “gender affirming voice and communication” training, a service which already drains taxpayers’ pockets. As of 2022 Medicaid in 13 states covered the training. In 18 other states, there was no policy. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders is the agency that provides the 2024 research grant. According to, the NIH is a part of Health and Human Services. In 2022, almost 90,000 employees received paychecks from this department. The grant for the voice-training app was worth $214,000 to 2,646 employees. Quote: “Trans people may be negatively affected if their voice appears to be out of sync with their gender identity. They may decide to work with a Speech Pathologist to find a vocal style that suits them,” said Tara McAllister. The staRt software helps learners visualize the resonant frequency of the vocal tract. This could make it easier for them to adjust their voice to match the target that is appropriate for personal speech goals. The #WasteOfTheDay is brought to you by the forensic auditors at This article was originally published by RealClearInvestigations and made available via RealClearWire.