Colleges say that those not affiliated with them caused the majority of the trouble. Critics dismiss this accusation as a fig-leaf to ignore student demands. Some universities have…
As the situation settles and the number of pro-Palestinian student camps decline, accusations of “outside agitators” among the protesters are being taken under the helm as colleges accuse those who are not affiliated with them of being the cause of the most trouble, a claim that critics have refuted as a fig leaf for ignoring the demands of students. Some universities have … As the situation settles and there are fewer pro-Palestinian student camps, accusations of “outside agitators” among the protesters are being taken under a microscope as colleges accuse those who are not affiliated with them of being responsible for most of the trouble, a charge that critics have refrained from refuting as a fig leaf to ignore the demands of students. Some universities have …
Colleges say that those not affiliated with them caused the majority of the trouble. Critics dismiss this accusation as a fig-leaf to ignore student demands. Some universities have…