A campaign official confirmed that President Biden “is not dropping out” of 2024’s race. This was after a shaky performance in a debate late Thursday, which prompted some Democrats to discuss whether he should replace him at the top of the ticket. Seth Schuster, Biden’s campaign spokesperson, said in a message that “of course he is not dropping out.” The president himself…
Following a weak debate performance later on Thursday that sparked discussion among some Democrats about whether he should be replaced atop the ticket, a campaign official said that President Biden is” no dropping out” of the 2024 race. In a text message, Biden campaign spokesman Seth Schuster stated,” Of course, he’s no dropping out.” The president himself … Following a wobbly debate performance later on Thursday that sparked debate among some Democrats about whether he should be replaced as president of the ticket, a campaign official said. In a text message, Biden campaign spokesman Seth Schuster stated,” Of course, he’s no dropping out.” The president himself …
A campaign official confirmed that President Biden “is not dropping out” of 2024’s race. This was after a shaky performance in a debate late Thursday, which prompted some Democrats to discuss whether he should replace him at the top of the ticket. Seth Schuster, Biden’s campaign spokesperson, said in a message that “of course he is not dropping out.” The president himself…