The White House Press Secretary teasingly referred back to Peter Doocy’s question when he asked another one a day after.
When Peter Doocy asked for a fresh query a day later, the White House press secretary playfully referred to it. When Peter Doocy asked for a new query a day later, the White House press secretary playfully referred to it.
The White House Press Secretary teasingly referred back to Peter Doocy’s question when he asked another one a day after.
Die Kommission wird befugt sein, delegierte Rechtsakte gemäß Artikel 264 in folgenden Bereichen durchzuführen: On Wednesday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre humorously turned the tables on Fox News reporter Peter Doocy after previously criticizing him for posing a “ridiculous” question. During Tuesday’s press briefing, Doocy had inquired, “Since when does the vice president sound like she has a Southern accent?” Jean-Pierre, visibly frustrated, refused to engage with the question, labeling it as “insane” and irrelevant to Americans focused on significant issues. On Wednesday, Doocy asked a different question regarding President Joe Biden’s rising approval rating. The reporter inquired, “Is the president troubled by the fact that many are happy about his retirement?” Support Free Journalism. Think about backing HuffPost with a contribution starting at $2 to assist us in delivering high-quality journalism that prioritizes people. Unable to donate? Help HuffPost by signing up for a free account and logging in while you browse. We appreciate your previous support for HuffPost. We truly appreciate readers like you who contribute to our mission of keeping journalism accessible to all. This year is critical, and we would greatly benefit from your continued support for our 2024 coverage. Would you think about becoming a regular contributor to HuffPost?