Cover Ups Breaking: People Are Dying At Biden’s Child Migrant ‘Warehouse’ A shelter for migrant teenage girls with capacity for 500 children that opened at the beginning of April is being shut down after a... Charles RobersonApril 18, 2021
Government Corruption Alert! Police Now Working w/ BLM-Antifa Mobs To Assault & Arrest Innocent Americans! [Video] This is starting to look like the worst case scenario. When the police start working with the Neo-brown shirts that call themselves BLM and... Charles RobersonApril 18, 2021
US Politics Biden To Remove Jackson From $20 Bill & Replace Him With … In case you missed this … Biden is working on removing ALL of American history … Just like Stalin would have people scrubbed from... Charles RobersonApril 18, 2021
Racism Watch: Here We Go, BLM Leader Calls For Violence, ‘Ready to Get Blood on Their Hands?’ An activist speaking at Black Lives Matter Plaza voiced his support for violence, looting, and for the burning of buildings. But he will not... Charles RobersonApril 17, 2021
US Politics Breaking: Epstein Taking Down FBI With Him … They Knew, They Knew It ALL! Come and Wray both need to be tried for treason and investigated for their roles in this cover up. Where they involved in more... Charles RobersonApril 17, 2021
Government Corruption Democrats Demand Biden Ban Hispanics From Listening To Conservative Radio The Democrats are shaking in their boots because Republicans have been picking up a much larger share of the Hispanic votes than ever before.... Charles RobersonApril 17, 2021
Government Corruption Here We Go! ‘Full Forensic Audit’ of 2020 Election Results Set To Expose Huge Scam The Arizona Senate is finishing up the preparation for the audit of Arizona’s biggest county. All 2.12 million votes will be examined but don’t... Charles RobersonApril 17, 2021
US Politics Alert: Biden MIA & It’s MUCH Worse Than We Thought: NO ONE Met Japanese Prime Minister at WH [Video] This is not even funny, this could cripple our only alliance with a capitalist nation in the region with Hong Kong and Tiwian being... Charles RobersonApril 17, 2021
Cover Ups Complete Audit Of Voting Machines & Ballots From 2020 Election Approved By NH SOS! After the recount in Windham, New Hampshire, it became known that every Republican was shorted almost exactly 300 votes apiece. That raised a whole... Charles RobersonApril 17, 2021
Crime Breaking: FBI Knew Fed-Ex Mass Shooter! Can you name a single mass shooter that we did not later learn that the FBI knew about them? I can’t, definitely not a... Charles RobersonApril 16, 2021