Crime Another Capitol Cop ‘Suicide’ … Something Doesn’t Add Up Here! [UPDATE] This ‘suicide’ was first reported about 4 weeks ago. Now we are learning that the Capitol fortifications are going to be permanent and that... Charles RobersonMarch 21, 2021
Liberal Derangement Breaking: Chuck Schumer Reduced To Begging As Dem Plans Implode Like The Tzar Bomb New York State is on the verge of losing a large number of jobs to Florida in a planned move to Florida. Andrew Cuomo... Charles RobersonMarch 21, 2021
US News CCP Shill Biden Admin Shuts Down US Energy & Jobs, Instead Send $$$ To China For Crappy … Look, I am all for renewable, ‘clean’ energy and I think that the future is going to be built using this form of energy... Charles RobersonMarch 21, 2021
Crime Breaking: 3 Officers Shot As Democrat’s Bring Iconic American City To It’s Knees It seems like every weekend we are reporting on dozens of bullets flying though the streets of Chicago, the Democrat stronghold. You would think... Charles RobersonMarch 21, 2021
Politics It Looks Like Biden Is About To Be Deposed As Key Allies Turn On Him, Begin Exposing Him Bigly WOW!!! The border crises is real. How do I know this? The lamestream media can cover up almost any crime a Democrat can commit.... Charles RobersonMarch 21, 2021
Celebrity The Trump Curse Strikes Again! This Time It’s Trump Hater, Labron James Who Suffers Terrible Fate Have you noticed that people who let their hate for President Trump consume them seem to have terrible things happen to them. Now, to... Charles RobersonMarch 21, 2021
Cover Ups Breaking: Feds Begin To Move In On Democrat Governor Federal investigators are allegedly closing in on Gov Andrew Cuomo of New York. The main cause of worry for the Democrats is that other... Charles RobersonMarch 21, 2021
Government Corruption Pelosi & Schumer Go Behind America’s Back To Raid Trillions For Their Pals No sooner than the Democrats passed the $1.9 trillion dollars Democratic Donor bailout bill than they are starting on a new one. This one... Charles RobersonMarch 21, 2021
US News Breaking: Miami Has Fallen! Police Lose Control, Declare State of Emergency [Videos] I’m sure you have heard the saying ‘Don’t California my Texas’ … well today those of us living in Florida are screaming ‘don’t blue... Charles RobersonMarch 21, 2021
Barack Obama Classless Michelle Obama Shocks Audience as She Curses Like A Sailor ICYMI| Remember earlier this year when former First Lady Michelle Obama called herself our “Forever First Lady?” In case you missed it, back in... Charles RobersonMarch 20, 2021