US Politics The latest ‘Walls closing in’ piece by Politico on Ron DeSantis backfires big time Charles RobersonApril 21, 2023
US Politics The Truth About Gun Control Laws: Beyond Feel-Good Legislation Charles RobersonApril 21, 2023
US Politics Buttigieg, Transportation Secretary, claims that more black Americans are killed in auto accidents because of racism Charles RobersonApril 21, 2023
US Politics Retroactive Intolerance? Media blames Ron DeSantis’s effects before his laws are even passed Charles RobersonApril 21, 2023
US Politics Watch: Jim Jordan exposes the timeline of the Biden-Blinken Hunt Biden Subterfuge Charles RobersonApril 21, 2023
US Politics Matt Taibbi is jailed by Top Dem in a despicable move that proves the point he was making Charles RobersonApril 21, 2023
US Politics Well, it looks like Russia accidentally bombed itself on Thursday Charles RobersonApril 21, 2023
US Politics Transgender lawmaker sacked after ranting in support of child mutilation Charles RobersonApril 21, 2023
US Politics Former Biden Nuclear Waste chief Sam Brinton will undergo mental health evaluation to avoid jail time Charles RobersonApril 21, 2023