Originally posted to American Thinker by Monica The Left is making a holy hullabaloo about President Trump’s hardly illegal request to Ukraine’s new president...
Opinion By Jack Crane Last night’s Saturday Night Live cast did something that, on the surface, seems quite counter to their usual Anti-American Values,...
OPINION EDITORIAL: Before Donald Trump was even sworn in as president, the establishment’s long knives were out for him. Those who understand Trump know...
OPINION . Analysis . Speculation Via Right Wing Tribune By (NationalSentinel) As the garbage “mainstream” media gins up another fake “scandal” involving allegations from some unknown “intelligence community”...
By Reuters Wire via The Federalist Papers By Way Of Right Wing Tribune Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, a frontrunner for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, on...
Syndicated via Right Wing Tribune – Opinion, Analysis, and Speculation By (NationalSentinel) Because it’s been awhile and there are people who are convinced that...
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