US Politics Jill Biden is adamant about Joe’s handling of the Chinese Spy Balloon Charles RobersonFebruary 5, 2023
US Politics Lloyd Austin, Defense Secretary, Defends the Chinese Balloon. Ironic Comedy at its Best Charles RobersonFebruary 5, 2023
US Politics Biden Claims He Told Military to Shoot down Balloon on Wednesday. They Said to Wait Charles RobersonFebruary 5, 2023
US Politics Slick lawyers and pseudo-science result in everyone paying Charles RobersonFebruary 5, 2023
US Politics FTC Charges Prescription Discount App with Selling Personal Health Data To Facebook, Google Charles RobersonFebruary 5, 2023
US Politics Journalists are instructed by The Associated Press to report pro-abortion views in their reporting Charles RobersonFebruary 5, 2023
US Politics Biden finally gets off his duff, comments on what will be done with the Chinese spy balloonoon Charles RobersonFebruary 5, 2023
US Politics New North Carolina Supreme Court Sends the Right into Rage Charles RobersonFebruary 5, 2023
US Politics Kristol’s Epically Bad View on Chinese Balloon reveals Just How Broken Some Never Counters Are Charles RobersonFebruary 5, 2023