tion Day: Champaign County Clerk in Illinois says cyberattack has caused 'connectivity problems' The Champaign County clerk's office is experiencing connectivity problems for its...
igan Governor Whitmer seeks second term against Dixon, GOP challenger // Democrat Gretchen Whitmer is hoping to win a second term in Michigan's governor's...
tia James, New York's attorney general, is Donald Trump's chief legal foe. New York Attorney general Letitia James is hoping to win Tuesday's second...
crat O'Rourke tries to oust Texas Republican Gov. Abbott's bid for a third term // Republican Texas Governor. Greg Abbott sought a record-setting third...
ntis is told by Trump attorney, "Stay in Florida," A Florida attorney representing former President Donald Trump sent a strong message for Governor Rick...
ouri Republicans Hawley & Schmitt state that the Senate GOP needs new leadership: "Not Mitch McConnell" // Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Missouri Senate...
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