Syndicated with permission via Valiant News| Jack Hadfield| 45th President Donald Trump could be allowed back on Facebook in January 2023 after his two...
UPDATED| The family of mark Middleton has filed suit to prevent any more disclosures, especially pictures being released to the public. The family insists...
Syndicated with permission via Valiant News| Tom Pappert| Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, 80, gathered his staffers on January 6 to tell them that...
UAFReport| Daniel| The radical left within the Democrat Party has long been toiling to change America’s demographics. Their leftist policies do not work. They know...
ICYMI, this broke my heart. RIP sweat prince| ALEXANDER FAIRFAX| Actor Ray Liotta reportedly passed away in his sleep while shooting a new film, “Dangerous...
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