Donald Trump Dem Party Imploding: GOP Flips District Held by Democrats For Nearly 1/2 Century In a glimpse of what is to come in 2022 in the midterm elections, a Republican flipped a state House seat that has been... Charles RobersonOctober 14, 2021
Liberal Derangement ‘Everybody’s Pissin’ on the Red, White and Blue’: New Toby Keith Song, ‘Happy Birthday America,’ Has Leftists Furious Country star Toby Keith released a new song this week. The title is Happy Birthday, America. In the song, he relives the glory days of... Charles RobersonOctober 13, 2021
Humor LMAO! Mad Max Waters Makes The Most Absurd Tweet of All Time If you are confused by the title of this story, imagine what Maxi is. If your account is closed, you cannot use it. Twitter... Charles RobersonOctober 13, 2021
Government Corruption WTF: Crazy California Commies Ban Sale of Lawn Mowers, Leaf Blowers, and Other Gas-Powered Equipment There they go again. The Democrats in California are going nuts in an effort to chase every business out of state or out of... Charles RobersonOctober 12, 2021
Crime BOMBSHELL VIDEOS: Fmr DOMINION Director Deposition Leaked! Verifies Devastating TRUTHS There has been a ton of speculation surrounding the integrity of the top brass of the voting company, Dominion. We have seen Dominion Voting... Charles RobersonOctober 12, 2021
Crime VIDEO: NC Schools Commit Felony Offense: Dad Busts School Board For Illegal ‘Elicit Materials’ His Son Found At a recent school board meeting for Wake County North Carolina Public Schools, a Pastor who is a Dad, Chad Slotta, spoke perfectly about... Charles RobersonOctober 12, 2021
Government Corruption Busted! Biden Took $100k Bribe WHILE IN OFFICE! Former FBI Director Louis Freeh donated $100,000 to a private trust for Joe Biden’s grandchildren in 2016. This was when Biden was vice president... Charles RobersonOctober 12, 2021
Cover Ups Over 284,000 Ballots, or 10% of Ballots Were Fraudulent?! They All Lacked Evidence That It Was the Original Ballot Received This is not good for the future of the republic. Yes, it suggests that you and I were right in our cause for concern... Charles RobersonOctober 11, 2021
Humor 😂 Ted Cruz Wrecks Kamala Harris 😂 ICYMI – The current regime that was installed by, what can only be described as ‘the cabal behind the curtain, is turning the United... Charles RobersonOctober 11, 2021
Military BREAKING: 20 Year Old US Army Soldier Found Dead On Base, Here’s What We Are Being Told So Far … Right now our thoughts and prayers are with the family of a fallen United States serviceman, a true American hero. No, Spc. Brandon Ricardo... Charles RobersonOctober 10, 2021