On Wednesday, several Republican lawmakers expressed their reactions to the death of Henry Kissinger, a former diplomat and presidential advisor. They paid tribute to...
During his time as president, Kissinger was complicit with atrocities around the world, including the carpet bombing of Cambodia. During his time in power,...
Oren “Hank” McKnelly, a Colorado Republican, pointed out to her a “math issue” when she questioned him during a House Oversight Committee Hearing. As...
The MSNBC anchor responded vehemently to the former President’s attack against the network. In response to the former president’s attack on the network, the...
The Senate Judiciary Committee has announced a Senate hearing where several Big Tech CEOs have been subpoenaed to testify regarding the importance of children’s...
House Democrats are fed up with Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y. Earlier this month, dozens of Democratic legislators voted against a resolution to expel the...
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