Stanford, Harvard, and Yale’s failures are not unique, even though they are shocking. Despite being stunning, Stanford, Harvard, and Yale’s failures are not exceptional. Despite...
NBC’s Kristen Welker pressed Jonathan Finer, the deputy National Security Adviser of the Biden Administration on Sunday about whether the U.S. was confident that...
Jonathan Finer, Deputy National Security Advisor, said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that while Israel has the right to expand operations into… Finer said...
A new poll shows that President Biden’s popularity among Democrats is declining over his handling the Israel-Hamas conflict. A new poll conducted by NBC...
A General Accounting Office report released this Halloween confirmed that U.S. sugar consumers have been paying more for sugar than they should be due...
Chris Christie, the Republican presidential candidate, said on Sunday that he would not call a “freeze”, in response to the escalating violence. “No, I...
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