Today, millions of Americans will gather with family and friends, each with their own unique and potentially problematic political opinions. It’s time for all...
Ukrainian authorities confirmed that three civilians died after Russian forces shelled a suburb in Kherson, Ukraine. Ihor Klymenko, Ukrainian Interior Minister, confirmed the deaths...
Biden thanked Andres Manuel Obrador for the arrest of Nestor Isidro Salas, a suspected cartel security chief. In a statement released on Thursday, Biden...
Tuesday was a historic moment in Wisconsin, as the state supreme Court heard a long-awaited case of gerrymandering. In Wisconsin, Tuesday marked a historic...
The World Health Organization has requested information about the increase in respiratory diseases in children. In a news release issued on Thursday, the health...
President Biden spoke at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Thursday, calling for Americans to “come Together” and put unity over politics during the holiday...
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