[[{“value”:”A federal appeals court placed yet another hold on the bill after the Supreme Court granted a Texas immigration law allowing police to detain...
Cuellar, a Texas congressman, expressed his disapproval of the Supreme Court’s decision on Tuesday that allowed a Texas law which will allow the state’s...
[[{“value”:”Why did the military academy drop” Duty, Honor, Country” from its mission statement? The first article on Frontpage Mag: The Tapson Video: West Point...
[[{“value”:”While Biden and Xi lie, Americans die. The second article on Frontpage Mag was about Biden’s Fentanyl Deal With China failing to stop overdoses.”}]] [[{“value”:”...
[[{“value”:”‘ Jews for Hamas ‘ strike up. Sen. Schumer attacked Trump’s remarks about Israel initially appeared on Frontpage Mag.”}]] [[{“value”:” Strike back at ‘Jews For...
[[{“value”:”the shiniest electronic buses and the lowest literacy rates. The first article on Frontpage Mag was titled” Illiterate Kids Will Go to School to...
[[{“value”:”AstraZeneca announced on Tuesday that it will buy Fusion Pharmaceuticals for about$ 2.4 billion. On its website, Canadian-based Fusion Pharmaceuticals states,” We are pushing...
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