[[{“value”:”Have they taken into account the worm can they are introducing around? The first article on Frontpage Mag was titled” House Dems Prep an”...
[[{“value”:”” I would love to help with the lifeguard shortage by bringing in migrants and asylum seekers.” The article NYC Mayor Seeks Illegal Alien...
[[{“value”:”Achieved mission accomplished. The first article on Frontpage Mag: California Demolished Dam to Save Salmon, Killed the Salmon Rather appeared first.”}]] [[{“value”:” Mission accomplished. The...
[[{“value”:”No justifications, the Israeli government must do more to considerably increase the flow of aid. The post Kamala Attacks Israel During a Civil Rights...
[[{“value”:””CAIR released a geopolitical election plan to mobilize 1 million Muslim voters,” the statement read. The second article on Frontpage Mag called the Freedom...
[[{“value”:”Can AIPAC defeat all four radicals who oppose Israel? Could One or More Squadrini Be Deposed? second appeared on Frontpage Mag.”}]] [[{“value”:” Can AIPAC defeat...
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