Politics Yeonmi Park at Restoration Weekend: ‘While Time Remains’ a speech that is urgently powerful. Frontpage Mag was the first to publish the article Yeonmi Park at Restoration Weekend:” While Time Remains.” A... November 19, 2023
Politics Glazov Gang: Dinesh D’Souza on ‘Police State’ Nothing can one hide. They each have a list. Are you following? Second appeared on Frontpage Mag was the article Glazov Gang: Dinesh D’Souza... November 19, 2023
Politics Equity, Equality and Hamas How we got to college students who were Hamas supporters. Equity, Equality, and Hamas was the second article to appear on Portal Mag. How... November 19, 2023
Politics Goodbye Candace a declaration made by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Goodbye Candace was the second post to appear on Portal Mag. David Horowitz Freedom Center... November 19, 2023
Politics Disney is Losing its Past and its Future Teenagers and adults alike are abstaining. Disney is Losing its Past and its Future was the second article to appear on Portal Mag. Both... November 19, 2023
Politics CAIR’s Jewish ‘Islamophobic’ Hate Crime was Actually ‘Brother on Brother’ Another hate crime hoax by the CAIR, another day. The first article to appear on Frontpage Mag was CAIR’s Hebrew” Islamophobic”” Hate Crime was... November 19, 2023
Politics A Ceasefire Deal With Hamas Would Be a Mistake The only way to succeed is to secure Hamas and take it out. The second article to appear on Frontpage Mag was A Ceasefire... November 19, 2023
Politics The Most Pro-Hamas Presidential Candidate Blamed Black Antisemitism on Israel Being Mean to Hamas Supporting Hamas is the only thing that meets the needs of “poor and working people.” On Frontpage Mag, the article The Most Pro-Hamas Presidential... November 19, 2023
Politics Biden Touts Worthless ‘Fentanyl’ Deal With Xi China’s action was akin to advising domestic businesses to “do n’t get caught.” The first article to appear on Frontpage Mag was Biden Touts... November 17, 2023
Politics 1 in 10 American Jews Showed Up in D.C. on a Tuesday to Stand for Israel the biggest protest against Islamic terrorism previously. The second article to appear on Frontpage Mag was titled” 1 in 10 American Jews Showed Up... November 17, 2023