The Muslim Brotherhood is absolutely funded by us. Who’s Funding the Master – Hamas Rallies? article Taxpayers. On Frontpage Mag, it first appeared. We...
This immigration law is the most anti-Hamas I’ve ever seen. Rep. Zinke first published the article on Frontpage Mag after the” Palestinian” Refugee Plotted...
” Full undergraduate enrollment fell from 18.1 million to 15.4 million.” Colleges are Now Bleeding Students was the first article to appear on Frontpage...
Islamophobia is merely a fabrication used to defend Islamist terrorists. The second article to appear on Frontpage Mag was CAIR Tells Biden to Fight”...
Around it is. Frontpage Mag was the second publication to feature the article Tulane University: Pro-Has Demonstrators Break Nose of Israeli Student at Anti-Israel...
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