US Politics
! When the evidence is against the hard left, they will try to manipulate the emotions of people to advance their agenda. [ CDATA...
! When the evidence is against the hard left, they will try to manipulate the emotions of people to advance their agenda. [ CDATA...
… ! [ CDATA] Saturday night, Washington, D.C., erupted with excitement as the media gathered to congratulate each other and extol their supposedly illustrious...
! The NHL playoffs have already been shaken up by some exciting game-seven games, including a historic loss. > >
…! Have you seen the meme “Shocked Pikachu?” [ CDATA] The fundamental tenet states that someone who acts foolishly will be shocked when their...
… ! Ben Cardin (D-MD), who has served in Congress since 1987, announced on Monday that he will not run for reelection in 2024....
… ! Historically, the Democratic party was seen as “the working man’s party”. The kind of man that carries a lunch bag to work...
! Kevin McCarthy, Democratic House Speaker, rebuffed a reporter’s attempt to ambush him at a press conference in Israel on Monday. > >
! The Supreme Court of the United States granted a review of Loper Bright Enterprises 5, Raimondo is the most important development that has...
! Whatever you say about Lori Lightfoot the cheerful mayor of Chicago she has courage. > >