[[{“value”:”The only thing FEMA learned from the widespread debunking of “global warming” was lying. Mayorkas claimed that global warming improved his ability to handle...
[[{“value”:”How much until the same doctrine is being applied to smear everyone but not merely Trump? The article Imposing a Everlasting Gag Order on...
[[{“value”:”How Trump can win the debate- and the Presidency. The second article on Frontpage Mag was titled” Video: The Savage Truth About the Trump-Biden...
[[{“value”:”Foreign Communist leader behind the US targeting wanted to do business with Biden. The first article on Frontpage Mag was Hunter Biden Was Courted...
[[{“value”:”Would n’t it be nice to have a self- driving president? The article Riding in a Self-Driving Car, Dreaming of a Self-Driving President (VIDEO...
[[{“value”:”” Thank you for your support, Governor Newsom”. The article Oakland Mayor claims crime was cut down before the FBI intervened, second appeared on...
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