[[{“value”:”Remember when medical schools used merit? The second article on Frontpage Mag was titled Minorities Hardest Hit by Difficulty of Being a Doctor.”}]] [[{“value”:” Remember...
[[{“value”:”” I really think that Daniel Greenfield… may have said it greatest”. The second article on Frontpage Mag was Congresswoman quotes front page while...
[[{“value”:”Another legacy of Tiananmen Square is the hacking and fentanyl overdoses. A Reminder of a Lost Opportunity for Tiananmen Square Anniversary initially appeared on...
[[{“value”:”We value and respect the movement of sit-in students and demonstrators in the West. The second article on Frontpage Mag was about Al-Qaeda and...
[[{“value”:”According to present estimates, the border closure would never even begin. Biden to sign a” Tough” Order Immediately Restricting Border Invaders to 900,000 Per...
[[{“value”:”Which one constitutes the true “all-out assault on the British system of justice”? The article Defending Your Prosecutors or Challenging Your Challengers appeared first....
[[{“value”:”David Horowitz’s latest book is a tribute to our nation’s commitment to justice for all. The Disunited States of America was the second article...
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