US Politics

In his commencement speech at Morehouse College, President Biden condemned the “humanitarian crises in Gaza”. This was his first appearance on an American college...


[[{“value”:”Donald Trump was completely ON fire when he was in Minnesota yesterday for the GOP monthly dinner. I felt like I had to share...


[[{“value”:”” We’ve also passed that message back to Hamas through the appropriate channels.” The first article on Frontpage Mag was entitled Biden Admin Personally...

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Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., dismissed Sunday the recent polls that showed President Biden in a slight lead over former president Trump in Wisconsin. He...


The Biden administration’s complex web of federal regulations and guidelines, which are designed to force-feed feminist fantasies about gender, goes beyond our schools.  The...


[[{“value”:”No American citizens should be killed in Gaza to protect Hamas supporters. Biden risked American lives to defend Hamas, initially published on Frontpage Mag.”}]] [[{“value”:”...


[[{“value”:”Often on offense, not defense. Frontpage Mag’s article titled Our Battle Against Jew Hatred Comes Full Circle second appeared.”}]] [[{“value”:” Always on offense and never...

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