Syndicated with permission via Valiant News|Andrew White| Failed 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is attempting to assert moral superiority over the Deplorables yet again,...
Syndicated with permission via Valiant News| Gabriel Keane| President Joe Biden was visibly confused and needed verbal assistance leaving the stage following a Labor...
ICYMI Chief ‘Justice’ Roberts has been the biggest disappointment appointed to the high court in my lifetime. However, this should come as little surprise...
Syndicated with permission via Valiant News| Gabriel Keane| A White House correspondent for CNN who called former President Donald Trump a “dishonest demagogue” has abruptly...
Syndicated with permission via Valiant News| Tom Pappert| 45th President Donald Trump and his legal team have won an important hurdle against Joe Biden’s...
ICYMI| Newly released notes taken by high-level Department of Justice (DOJ) officials were taken on March 6th, 2017 during a meeting of high-ranking FBI officials showed...
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