US Politics

[[{“value”:” Sejong the Great, a scientist, reformer, engineer, and inventor of the Korean alphabet Hangul, was born 627 years ago. His insatiable thirst for...

US Politics

Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, expressed his gratitude to the U.S. following the passage of a bill that provided additional funds for Ukraine’s ongoing...

US Politics

Donald Trump’s attorney tried to poke fun at the New York Attorney General.  The New York attorney general’s lawyer tried to make a dig...

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[[{“value”:” Our partner Rob Brezsny provides his weekly wisdom in order to motivate and enlighten us. Rob’s Free Will Astrology is a syndicated column...


John Kirby, White House national security communication adviser, commented on the footage of Russian President Vladimir Putin embracing Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Beijing...

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