Search results for "cnn"


In America, one of the worst things you could be called is a racist. It has evil connotations, it harms your reputation, and could...


Fredo Cuomo did not have a good year, but that is to be expected, considering his family history starting with his father Mario and...


The Democrats have fought him. The courts have fought him, ignoring the law and favoring ideology. The media has fought him, and in many...

Government Corruption

Opinion| Speculation| Lawrence David| Obama’s plan to “fundamentally change America” was his rhetorical way of seducing low information voters into accepting a criminal syndicate...

US News

Are you starting to notice a trend here??? Opinion| Syndicated Via National File| LIONEL DU CANE | Author Ari Behn becomes the third person...

Gun Control

It appears that Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is about to take a shot at pushing the citizens of his state to the point of...

US News

Recently we shared a couple of articles about an editorial published in Christianity Today magazine, Christianity Today Magazine Overrun By Leftists, Now Calling for...

US News

OPINION| Lawrence David| Anyone who still trusts leftists to protect their God-given inalienable rights has their heads up their… cabooses. They couldn’t be trusted...

US Politics

We always knew that John McCain was a traitor to the conservative movement, and we knew he was somehow involved in the fake Steele...

US News

“It’s The Economy, Stupid” – Bill Clinton Opinion| Lawrence David| There’s a reason that Bill Clinton, facing impeachment, won reelection on that slogan.   When...

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