Search results for "cnn"


An illegal alien from Guatemala has been arrested for selling her baby to a couple for the sum of $2,000. Maria Domingo-Perez, a 31-year-old...

Government Corruption

Rep Jim Banks has called for Lindsey Graham to subpoena the phone records of Adam Schiff in order to find out about his contacts...


Last week, the corporate media and its pronoun-generating consumer base were wailing in deep thralls of ecstasy over the revelation that Star Wars actor...

Government Corruption

In what could easily be considered a violation of President Trump’s constitutional rights, Adam Schiff has obtained the phone records of his attorney, Rudy...


On Tuesday, Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) took to social media to convey a classy, propitiate tweet to Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) following the California senator’s...

Cover Ups

In a real shocker, it turns out that Devin Nunes was investigated by the ethically challenged Adam Schiff, who somehow even got Nunes’ phone...

US Politics

Opinion| Mark Sidney| ICYMI| 11/19 |Recently fired former Fox Newsman, Shepard Smith, who lost favor with many of his viewers after constantly bashing President...


Opinion| Mark Sidney|  We have been warning everyone for weeks that we believe that ‘‘cocaine Mitch’ McConnell has no plans to defend Donald Trump...

Mainstream Media Lies

It’s a sad day when Fox News starts heading in the direction of CNN and MSNBC, but that day has come. Under the guidance...


By Joe Messina | The Real Side After taking office in Jan 2017, California Democrat freshman Congresswoman Katie Hill was quick to call out...

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