Search results for "cnn"


Kirsters Baish| Former Communications Director for the Obama White House, Jennifer Psaki, made an appearance on CNN this past Wednesday, telling hosts she hopes...


Elder Patriot’s Opinion – Well, well, well.  What’s this? A previously sealed court transcript from January 22, 2018, of Special Counsel Robert Mueller fighting...


Kirsters Baish’s POV| The fight for disgraced former FBI Director James Comey’s infamous “Trump memos” heated up on Tuesday when the FBI released a...

Liberal Derangement

Democratic New Jersey Senator Cory Booker went on CNN’s low-rated, alt-left weekend show “State of the Union” this Sunday where he relentlessly bashed President...

Barack Obama

ICYMI: Conservative, Trump-supporting Hollywood actor James Woods is no stranger to taking on leftists on social media. He’s used his own personal Twitter account...


Rep. Jerrold Nadler threatened Attorney General William Barr on Sunday. Nadler said he would issue a subpoena to compel Barr to appear before his...

Barack Obama

Opinion| Kirsters Baish| Obama-era Vice President Joe Biden made an appearance on ABC’s “The View” on Friday. During his time on the air, Biden...

Liberal Derangement

House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and other Democrat leaders are trying to flip the impeachment narrative up a little and have asked other Democrats to...

Liberal Derangement

Kirsters Baish| Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders recently made a shocking statement, insisting that convicted mass murderers should be allowed to cast their votes...

Gun Control

Kamala Harris is trying to find an issue that will out-liberal the other nearly 2 dozen declared candidates in the 2020 Dmocrat Presidential primary...

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