Search results for "cnn"

Cover Ups

Kirsters Baish| Former assistant to George W. Bush claimed that the Mueller report makes former President Barack Obama look “just plain bad.” CNN contributor...

Government Corruption

Elder Patriot – Syndicated Columnist Michael B. Mukasey, a former federal judge, and U.S. Attorney General under President George W. Bush discussed the Mueller...

Government Corruption

Elder Patriot – Syndicated Columnist ICYMI | Michael B. Mukasey, a former federal judge, and U.S. Attorney General under President George W. Bush discussed...

Government Corruption

Elder Patriot – Syndicated Columnist This entire operation against the Trump campaign is a coordinated effort amid government officials, politicians, political groups external to...

US News

Stacey Abrams, the Georgia Democrat candidate for Governor who claimed that her opponent stole the election, was just handed some very bad news. The...

Donald Trump

Fox News Goes Over To The Dark Side, Prepares To Help Sabotage Trump’s Re-Election. Opinion | The mainstream media has been working tirelessly to...

Government Corruption

Opinion| Democrats are consistent at one thing.   They’re consistently hypocritical. This from the Clinton Apologist aka as the New York Times editorial page:...

Barack Obama

Opinion| On Saturday, an op-ed piece was published by liberally-run CNN, which was penned by a former Obama White House official who is calling...


So one thing to remember here is the fact that CNN kept this video of Obama cover-up until the time they saw it would...

US Politics

Kevin O’Leary has not been shy about his support for President Trump’s economic policies. If you’ve ever seen even a single episode of the...

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