US Politics Jim Jordan Issues a Stack of Subpoenas to National School Board Officials who Demand Biden Administration Target Parents Charles RobersonMarch 8, 2023
US Politics CNN Adds Another Major Failure to its Books with Jill Biden’s Primetime Special Bombs Spectacularly Charles RobersonMarch 8, 2023
US Politics Lindsey Graham Announces a Plan to Authorize Military Force against Mexican Drug Cartels Charles RobersonMarch 8, 2023
US Politics Is the Matamoros Murder and Kidnapping Opening the Door to a Fast and Furious Operation? Charles RobersonMarch 8, 2023
US Politics NBC News Shows the Characteristics Of A Broken Media Complex In Its Reaction To Tucker Carlson’s Videos Charles RobersonMarch 8, 2023
US Politics The Illegal Immigration Bill you’re paying should send shockwaves Charles RobersonMarch 8, 2023
US Politics Ron DeSantis Executes a Troll for the Ages at Presser about ‘Book Banning’ Charles RobersonMarch 8, 2023
US Politics Eric Garcetti, Former Mayor of Los Angeles Reduction to Flying Economy and Begging to be an Indian Ambassadorship Charles RobersonMarch 8, 2023
US Politics January 6th Committee Insults Everyone’s Intelligence with Response to Tucker Carlson’s Surveillance Videos Drops Charles RobersonMarch 8, 2023