Search results for "nancy pelosi"

US News

Last year we saw countless riots, sustained unrest, cities burned to the ground, shootings, legit insurrections (encourages as ‘summer of love’ by local authorities...


As Marxist/Globalists have seized power in the legislative and executive branches of government, (the jury is out on the judicial branch,) through the installation...

Cover Ups

DINO PORRAZZO at AMERICAS FREEDOM FIGHTERS – This is the end, my only friend the end… Dems, Rinos and the media raised hell when PRESIDENT TRUMP questioned the...

Government Corruption

If you are a reader of our blog, or any blog that is not Marxist/MSM, I bet you saw the video of Nancy Pelosi...


In keeping with their long time tradition, the Democrats have proven themselves to be the world champion hypocrites. The House installed metal detectors so...


ICYMI … Nancy and her Dems have always been on the side of radical Islam… Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was brutally chastised...

US Politics

They sure covered this one up quickly! – Hunter Biden move over. Now Nancy Pelosi’s son may be looking to take center stage with...

Government Corruption

Just when you thought Nancy Pelosi could not become any more obsessed with power, or that she could not become any more dictatorial in...

Government Corruption

No sooner than the Democrats passed the $1.9 trillion dollars Democratic Donor bailout bill than they are starting on a new one. This one...

Government Corruption

Nancy Pelosi says that Joe Biden has things under control on the Mexican border. If you call starving kids and providing them only with...

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