Search results for "nancy pelosi"

US Politics

So let me get this straight, we are apparently living in a nation where citizens elect their peers to SERVE our interests, right? So,...

US Politics

It looks like Nancy Pelosi finally figured out who bought and paid for all those illegals storming across our Southern border in brand new...


Fox News is reporting on Pelosi’s efforts to undermine President Trump and his authority in a 3rd world banana republic style move. ‘The phone...


Every time I see Nancy Pelosi’s lovely face I can not help but think; If I am lucky enough to make it to 80...

US News

President Trump finally poke publicly about the terrible events of January the 6th that the media has been using non stop to try and blame...

Liberal Derangement

Washington DC has fallen.  Just looking at the standing army, walls, razor wire and now, plans for even more fortifications, one would be hard...

Liberal Derangement

ICYMI | We need more of THIS!  Let them know (Peacefully) that we are FED UP!| In their feckless efforts to win the support...


Some say that Nancy Pelosi is a career politician. I submit she is a part-time politician, and a career hypocrite. Her latest foray into...


Opinion … Just like everything we write: We all know that everything the government says, the opposite is true.  Just in case this is...

Cover Ups

Anyone with a brain can tell that the events that occurred on January 6th, events which were horrific and un-American, did not occur as...

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