Cover Ups Alert: NH Audit Derailed?! On Monday we will know if there will be a fair and honest audit of the votes in Windham County. The four selectmen voted... Charles RobersonApril 29, 2021
Government Corruption Leak: Biden Was Going To Lock Chauvin Up Even If He Was Found Innocent Simply put, the trial for Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd was a show trial, straight out of the USSR. It should... Charles RobersonApril 29, 2021
Donald Trump GOP Stabs Trump In The Back, Graham & McCarthy Abandon Trump Publicly [Video] I think we all knew that this moment was coming, however, I sure expected it to take longer than this for the slippery GOP... Charles RobersonApril 29, 2021
Liberal Derangement Fmr DOJ Prosecutor Demands “Every Business In America” Pledge Allegiance To Biden Regime By Swearing That The 2020 Election Was “Accurate” If you thought that the Democrats were entering 1984 territory, mixed with the tactics of the 3rd Reich and Stalin’s purges, just want until... Charles RobersonApril 28, 2021
Crime Stacy Abram’s Ties To Armed Militia Members Intimidating Lawmakers At Capitol Exposed Yesterday we covered a report from The Gateway Pundit that showed a side of the protests against Georgia’s attempts to secure their elections that... Charles RobersonApril 28, 2021
Government Corruption Az Auditor Exposes Soros Stooge SOS’s Cover Up Lies Cyber Ninjas is the company that is working on the audit of Maricopa County, Arizona but they are also working on the case of... Charles RobersonApril 28, 2021
Cover Ups Warning: New Judge In Arizona Audit Case Was Hand Picked By Dems Corrupt judge picked a new judge to hear the Maricopa County audit case. Judge Pamela Gates, who just so happens to be the wife... Charles RobersonApril 28, 2021
Government Corruption Purges: Biden’s GOP Hating Pentagon Pick Confirmed Honestly, this is starting to get scary. Of all places that a hot headed keyboard warrior does not belong, it’s the Pentagon. However, that... Charles RobersonApril 28, 2021
Cover Ups Breaking Biden Regime Raids Rudy’s Home, Takes His Computers This is exactly why Trump had to hold those involved in Spygate’s feet to the fire. You can not threaten to upset the apple... Charles RobersonApril 28, 2021
Donald Trump Breaking: Trump Makes Huge Announcement … He’s Baaaaack President Trump is baaaaaack. Well, he is going to be back and hosting MAGA rallies around the nation starting as early as next month.... Charles RobersonApril 28, 2021