Search results for "nancy pelosi"

Government Corruption

OPINION| Lawrence David| Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is a bald-faced liar.  Speaking from the floor of the House of Representatives Pelosi lied...


A petition filed on the White House website “We, the People” to “impeach Nancy Pelosi for crimes of treason” has gone viral, accumulating more than 260,000...

Donald Trump

OPINION – Elder Patriot – Despite three years of investigations without a justifiable predicate, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s best efforts to...

US Politics

Opinion|  ICYMI 10/19 |Let’s put a little context to former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s Ukraine-China scandal that’s unfolding thanks to an...


Opinion – Dean James at Right Wing Tribune Alright, we all know that the lamestream media will do anything to protect the corrupt Dems...


OPINION From Elder Patriot – It’s becoming increasingly difficult to continue crediting the Democratic Party as a constitutionally legitimate political operation as I see...

Cover Ups

Op Ed: ICYMI – Just when you think the Democratic Party can’t go any further off the rails, Pelosi rears her elderly head and...

US Politics

Kirsters Baish’s Opinion & Speculation| Democratic House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler of New York announced on Thursday evening that “formal impeachment proceedings” against President...


Kirsters Baish| Opinion| Republican Congressman Doug Collins of Georgia took on Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday after she took the House Floor...

Donald Trump

Nancy Pelosi Demands President Trump Remove A Viral Twitter Video about Ilhan Omar’s 9/11 comments. Opinion| House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she has...

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