[[{“value”:”The twisted psychology of reparations. The second article on Frontpage Mag was titled Crisis in Black and White.”}]] [[{“value”:” The distorted psychology of reparations The...
[[{“value”:”using the force to actually win a conflict What Can America Learn from Israel’s Battlefield, First Published on Frontpage Mag.”}]] [[{“value”:” Using military force to...
[[{“value”:”When administrators and legislators ignore the physical abuse of children by their teachers. Frontpage Mag initially published the article Abiding Child Abuse in Schools.”}]] [[{“value”:”...
The House Ethics Committee announced on Wednesday that it had launched an investigation against Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, after he was indicted for accepting...
Kennedy’s complaint, filed on Wednesday, alleges that CNN along with Trump,… Kennedy’s complaint was filed on Wednesday and alleges that CNN along with Trump...
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