US News Left Vows ‘CLEANSING’ America Of Trump Supporters What a time to be alive. First off, we 100% condemn the violence at the Capitol. There is no excuse for violence like that... Charles RobersonJanuary 7, 2021
Cover Ups STAGED: Video Shows Capitol Police REMOVING BARRIERS, Inviting People In!! I think we all ‘smelt a rat’ when it came to the shit show at the Capitol building yesterday. Of course, in a crowd... Charles RobersonJanuary 7, 2021
US News Pelosi Moves To TAKE TRUMP OUT … FOREVER If you thought that 2020 was the year of ‘the quickening’ your head must be spinning in 2021. We are only one week into... Charles RobersonJanuary 7, 2021
US Politics Breaking: Joe Biden Under Investigation Joe Biden really thinks that the is going to be the President of the United States. Now, I could be wrong here, but I... Charles RobersonJanuary 7, 2021
US Politics Twitter BANS PRESIDENT TRUMP Today is a day that will no doubt go down in history. The anger of the American people bubbled over and was co-opted and... Charles RobersonJanuary 6, 2021
US News VIDEO: WOMAN SHOT IN NECK At US Capitol THIS IS A BREAKING AND DEVELOPING STORY Things were going smoothly in the joint session of Congress … for about 10 minutes, until the... Charles RobersonJanuary 6, 2021
US News GA Dem Turns Back On Party Of The CCP, “I Am Officially Joining The Republican Party” If you blink these days you are liable to miss 10 years of political history. New POLITICAL battle lines are being drawn and people... Charles RobersonJanuary 6, 2021
US Politics The FIX WAS IN! GA Dems Steal Another Election Using Same Tactics This is a turning point for the republic, one way or another, things will never be the same after this election is over and... Charles RobersonJanuary 6, 2021
US News BREAKING: McConnell STABS TRUMP IN THE BACK When the preverbal s*** hits the fan is when you learn who your real friends are. Just like in life, politics is the same... Charles RobersonJanuary 6, 2021
Politics Breaking: Top Lawman Suddenly W/o Explanation Resigns In The Crucial State of Georgia During Election Runoff Don’t blink, the political landscape is changing more quickly than it has … in myeline time and perhaps more rapidly than since the Civil... Charles RobersonJanuary 5, 2021