Crime Radicals ATTACK Mitch McConnell & His Family’s Home Don’t look now but the radicals are popping their hooded heads back out after dark again. Last night we covered reports that Nancy Pelosi’s... Charles RobersonJanuary 2, 2021
US News Breaking: Senators REFUSE Biden Electors This is one of those topics that you are really not supposed to talk about on … you know, the thing (the site you... Charles RobersonJanuary 2, 2021
US News Trump Declares Election ‘Invalid & ILLEGAL’ We have said it before and we are going to say it again, if 2020 has one legacy it is the destruction of every... Charles RobersonJanuary 1, 2021
Opinion FBI Agents Raid Offices of Ukrainian Oligarch With Business Ties to Biden ICYMI| Will anything ever come of this? Don’t expect the mainstream media to report this story. They have too much invested in the Trump-Russia... Charles RobersonJanuary 1, 2021
Cover Ups Dem Candidate’s $ Ties To CCP Blown Wide Open On Live TV! Senator Perdue, who just happened to have to be quarantined, due to exposure to Covid-19, the virus that originated in, yes, you guessed it,... Charles RobersonJanuary 1, 2021
Politics VIDEO: Pallets of FAKE BALLOTS FILMED in Georgia’s Fulton County Were Identified & Documented Before Being Shredded The former CEO of, Patrick Bryne, has been popping up in the Oval Office in meetings with the president and all over Twitter... Charles RobersonJanuary 1, 2021
Politics Senate JUST SHOT DOWN Trump, For First Time In History This is just more proof of the theory that … if you trust Mitch McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate to defend the... Charles RobersonJanuary 1, 2021
Politics Finally Pelosi Is FINISHED As Democrats & Republicans Plot To Take Her Out Come one guys, who does not want an 80 year old megalomaniacal, alcohol loving, filthy rich, hardly able to speak tyrant ruling over the... Charles RobersonJanuary 1, 2021
US News Trump Insider Leaks FRAUD Bombshell on Investigation Involving Governor & Secretary of State Patrick Byrne is no strange to the Oval Office. In fact, we are told that it was only Bryne and General Flynn who were... Charles RobersonJanuary 1, 2021
US News Trump Issues Statement After Suddenly Returning to DC Early [Video] Ever since President Trump made it known that he would be returning to Washington DC ahead of schedule there has been a lot of... Charles RobersonDecember 31, 2020