Search results for "cnn"

Mainstream Media Lies

It appears that the only thing that was keeping CNN in the black was President Trump. After decades of lying to the American people,...

US News

You know Biden really screwed up BIG TIME if CNN won’t back up his lies anymore. The network has managed to defend Biden through...

US Politics

CNN anchor Jake Tapper confronted Secretary of State Antony Blinken Sunday over the mess Biden has made in Afghanistan. I was surprised that he...

National File

Syndicated Via National File| GABRIEL KEANE| Author Michael Wolff, known for his scathing books about former President Donald Trump, turned the tables on CNN’s...

US Politics

Those of us on the right saw this coming a mile away.  We were well aware that the election was between the global establishment...

US Politics

I don’t know about you, but I do not know a single solitary soul who actually watches CNN. I know people who are on...

Mainstream Media Lies

Constitutional scholar Alan Dershowitz’s lawsuit against CNN for its coverage of former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial will go on as expected after a...

Cover Ups

Despite the media industrial complexe’s best efforts to ensure President Trump is never heard from again, Trump is refusing to remain silent. As the...

Cover Ups

Audit workers in Arizona are getting very nervous as the mainstream press  are taking pictures of faces, license plates and name badges in the...

Liberal Derangement

This is like watching a car crash in slow motion. The same EXACT tactics that have been used in famous tyrannies throughout history, we...

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