Ironically, at times of increasing demands by Democrat politicians that everyone be forced to wear facemasks (PPE), Democrats in academia, public policy, education, and...
Opinion| Lawrence David| Despite the media’s narrative engineer’s exaltations that their Marxist heroes Nancy Pelosi, Jerrold Nadler, Adam Schiff, et al., that the Supreme...
This article has been revised to more accurately reflect Joe Biden’s statements on funding of the police. The original article stated that Joe Biden...
Good riddance… USA TODAY WROTE: – The Army officer who testified in President Donald Trump’s impeachment inquiry announced Wednesday that he will retire from...
In the House, far-leftists Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley have proposed legislation the have named the BREATHE Act, which could have easily been named...
Opinion| Lawrence David| Despite the mainstream Marxist media’s attempt to paint the Black Lives Matter movement as an organically generated social justice uprising, the...
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