Opinion| Lawrence David| Chanel Rion of One America News (OAN) provides a glimpse into how real journalists work. She doesn’t wait to receive defensive...
John Durham, the US Attorney who was appointed by Attorney General (AG) William Barr to conduct a wide-ranging investigation into the origins of the...
Former British spy Christopher Steele, the supposed author of the anti Trump dossier, was told that the Department of Justice (DOJ) will release information...
Opinion| Mark Sidney| U.S. Representative Mark Meadows just left a two-hour briefing on the just released IG Report. Don’t believe the all-in lying media....
Opinion| Lawrence David| President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani sent a scathing letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham in late November. Giuliani alerts Graham...
Brian Smith, a 48-year-old native of South Africa, was indicted in October for the murders of 30-year-old Kathleen Henry and 52-year-old Veronica Abouchuk in Anchorage,...
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