Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) had to swallow a big dose of reality administered by Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey on Tuesday. Dorsey reportedly called...
Congressional sources close to Representative Maxine Waters say that she is livid about a live television interview with her political opponent that ended with...
California Congresswoman Maxine Waters has been claiming that an overwhelming majority of Americans want the Congress to move forward and impeach President Donald Trump,...
Kirsters Baish| Opinion| It seems like self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the master of drumming up negative press for herself. This time, her...
Kirsters Baish| Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders recently made a shocking statement, insisting that convicted mass murderers should be allowed to cast their votes...
Opinion | Two weeks prior to Republican Presidential Donald Trump’s inauguration, Senate Minority Leader, Democrat Chuck Schumer went on MSNBC and was interviewed by...
Kamala Harris is trying to find an issue that will out-liberal the other nearly 2 dozen declared candidates in the 2020 Dmocrat Presidential primary...
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