Search results for "cnn"

US Politics

Of all the absurd things that I have heard in my nearly 40 years, the idea that the Clinton News Network, (you may know...

Liberal Derangement

Whiny, grandstanding crybaby, and CNN White House correspondent, Jim Acosta has been taken to the woodshed again by President Donald Trump. Acosta had penned...


Opinion| Any honest pundit, politician, citizen journalist, or person with a TV or the internet, will tell you that there is something wrong with...

US Politics

Opinion| By now I have a feeling that you have come to the realization that there is no such thing as ‘unbiased news reporting.’...

US Politics

CNN’s Jim Acosta got both barrels this week targeting his unabashed bias towards the Trump administration. Acosta, who serves as CNN’s chief White House...

US Politics

Former CNN host, Soledad O’Brien, said that when she was on CNN, an unnamed executive producer at the network told her that she could...

US News

Saturday night, a crew from CNN was assaulted while standing outside of the Wendy’s in Atlanta, Georgia, where 27-year-old Rayshard Brooks was killed in...

US Politics

By now it shouldn’t surprise you that CNN will say and do anything to trash president Donald Trump. Thursday night during his CNN show...


Opinion| Mark Sidney|  I’ve heard it said that you can tell a lot about a man by the friends he keeps and the enemies...

US Politics

On Monday, fears of dismantling city police comes from a “place of privilege,” Minneapolis City Council president Lisa Bender said to CNN anchor Alisyn...

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