Search results for "cnn"

US Politics

Opinion| Mark Sidney|  I’ve heard it said that you can tell a lot about a man by the friends he keeps and the enemies...

US Politics

Opinion| Steven Ahle| While on CNN, former Obama White House official Van Jones said that the average white Hillary voter is more dangerous than...

US News

Carmine Sabia| OPINION| A dramatic scene played out on CNN on Friday morning after police asked him and his team to move from their...


CNN has agreed to settle a lawsuit with Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann, who the outlet was accused of harassing and defaming...


Nicholas Sandmann is a step closer to being a multi-millionaire after U.S. District Court Judge William Bertelsman ruled that his lawsuit against NBCUniversal may...

Mainstream Media Lies

CNN’s coverage of the House Democrat’s impeachment farce is a lesson in Fake News fantasy and pipe dreams. While the rest of the country...


Opinion| Lawrence David| U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) is a throwback.  He’s a man who searches for the truth and then stands steadfastly in...

Mainstream Media Lies

Devin Nunes is mad as hell and he’s not going to take it anymore. On Tuesday he filed a 435 million dollar lawsuit against...

US Politics

Kirsters’ Opinion| On Monday, CNN’s Anderson Cooper sat down with Trump rape accuser/writer E. Jean Carroll on his show “Anderson Cooper 360.” The conversation...

US Politics

Opinion| Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky made an appearance on CNN on Tuesday to bash the intelligence community for the way they recently...

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